Food Chemistry

Food chemistry is that the study of chemical processes and interactions of all biological and non-biological elements of foods. The biological substances embody examples such as meat, poultry, lettuce, beer, and milk. It's just like organic chemistry in its main elements like carbohydrates, lipids, and macromolecule, however it conjointly includes areas like water, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, food additives, flavors, and colors. This discipline conjointly encompasses how product modification benefits food process techniques and ways in which either to boost or to forestall them from happening. An example of enhancing a method would be to encourage fermentation of dairy farm product with microorganisms that convert milk sugar to dairy product acid; it could be prevented by using a method by stopping the browning on the surface of freshly cut apples exploitation juice or alternative sour water.


  • Food engineering
  • Food fortification
  • Food microbiology
  • Food packaging
  • Food physical chemistry
  • Food preservation
  • Food rheology
  • Food safety
  • Food science
  • Food storage
  • Food supplements
  • Food technology
  • Nutraceutical
  • Nutrification

Market Analysis: Food diagnostic equipment and consumer market in 2017 is estimated at $3316 million and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 5.9 percent from 2018-2023. Food diagnostic equipment and the consumer market are segmented on the basis of the available test equipment in which PCR equipment has a high market share valued at $853 million in 2017 and is expected to grow at a CAGR of 7.4% between 2018 and 2023 More Details:

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